Allium cernuum (Nodding Onion) - photos and description
15 cm ruler for scale
Origin: Native.
General: Plants grow from a bulb, having long, narrow leaves typical of the genus Allium. Plants glabrous.
Flowers: An umbel of small white to light pink flowers on a long, very stiff peduncle. The flowers droop downwards. We measured flowers at 1 cm long.
Leaves: Linear in profile, pungent when bruised. We measured a leaf at 16 cm long by 3 mm wide.
Height: Height listed in Flora of Alberta to 50 cm. We measured plants to 30 cm tall.
Habitat: Habitat is open slopes in the Cypress Uplands.
Abundance: Rare, listed as S3 (as of 2021) by the Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre.
When and where photographed: The above photos were taken on July 12th and July 20th, Cypress Hills Provincial Park, 425 km SW of our home in Regina, SK.