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by flower colour: Thumbnails arranged by colour and alphabetically on pages; go directly to a page.

White Flowers Achillea-Arabis Aralia-Cicuta Circaea-Eremogone Erigeron-Leptosiphon
Leucanthemum-Moneses Monotropa-Polygonum Prenanthes-Spiranthes Stellaria-Viola

Yellow or Green Flowers Acorus-Brassica Caltha-Glycyrrhiza Gnaphalium-Liparis Lithospermum-Nothocalais
Nuphar-Portulaca Potentilla-Rhinanthus Rhus-Streptopus Tanacetum-Zizia

All Other Flower Colours Agastache-Atriplex Butomus-Dalea Delphinium-Geranium Geum-Lithospermum
(Purple, Blue, Pink, Orange, etc.) Lobelia-Oxytropis Pedicularis-Psoralidium Pterospora-Suaeda Symphyotrichum-Viola

This website has photos and descriptions of over 600 wildflowers found in Saskatchewan, Canada. Wildflowers have been photographed from the province's Prairie, Cypress Upland, Parkland, and Boreal ecoregions. There are photos of native forbs and shrubs, both common and rare, and, photos of introduced species that are commonly found in Saskatchewan.

The Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) is the reference used for plant scientific names for this website.

All images © 1998- Glen Lee All Rights Reserved