Anemone patens (Prairie Crocus) - photos and description












Stem leaf in above photo

Stem leaves 'peeled' down the stem; appear to be three of them (from our rock garden)

Origin: Native.

General: Low-growing perennial, with one to many stems from a stout caudex. Stems and leaves villous. One of the earliest wildflowers to bloom in spring where we live. The provincial flower of Manitoba.

Flowers: Flowers solitary and showy, mauve to white in colour, we've measured flowers to 6 cm diameter. Flowers have a slight fragrance.

Leaves: Basal leaves petiolate, there are 3 cauline leaves which are sessile and grow in a whorl. We measured a cauline leaf at 25 mm long. Leaves are dissected into narrowly lanceolate or linear segments. Basal leaves 3-lobed, we measured a terminal leaflet at 6 cm long and 6 cm wide.

Height: Height listed in Budd's Flora to 20 cm, we've measured scapes to 15 cm tall.

Habitat: Open prairie.

Abundance: Very common.

When and where photographed: We took the above photos April 22nd and 23rd, slopes of the Qu'Appelle Valley 30 km north of Regina, SK, May 8th edge of Qu'Appelle Valley 100 km northwest of Regina, SK, and stem leaf photos from our rock garden, July 5th.