Antennaria aprica (Low Everlasting) - photos and description




Antennaria aprica

Inner involucral bracts white, or...

... pinkish in colour

Stem leaf in above photo

Origin: Native.

General: Perennials with a low, mat-forming growth habit. Stoloniferous.

Flowers: Flower heads with an involucre measured 8 to 10 mm high. Inner involucral bracts white in colour, or pinkish.

Leaves: Basal leaves measured to 15 mm long (including petiole) x 5 mm wide. Basal leaves greenish-silver above, and white below. 5 stem leaves. Stem leaves are alternate, oblong, stem leaf highlighted in photo above was 11 mm long x 3 mm wide.

Height: Height is listed in Budd's Flora as usually less than 15 cm tall. We've measured plants to 11 cm tall.

Habitat: Dry prairies.

Abundance: Common.

How to identify this species of Antennaria: Inflorescence erect from the first, stems usually 10 cm high or less, involucre 7 mm high or more, stem leaves 5 to 7, basal leaves silvery silky on both sides.

When and where photographed: Above photos taken June 3rd and June 8th, prairie about 120 km west of our home in Regina, SK.