Arnica cordifolia (Heart-Leaved Arnica) - photos and description


Plant with flower heads in flower and seed 


Arnica cordifolia
Basal leaf in above photo

Arnica cordifolia
Stem leaf in above photo

Origin: Native.

General: Woodland plant with showy yellow flowers. Plant pubescent.

Flowers: Flower heads to 6.5 cm in diameter, with petals having 3 teeth at their apex. Usually one flower stem per plant, flowers solitary. Plants begin flowering about June 1st.

Leaves: Basal leaves with long petioles, stem leaves with shorter, winged petioles. Stem leaves opposite. Leaves have wavy margins and cordate bases. Basal leaf in photo was 15 cm long (including petiole) and 5.5 cm wide.

Height: Height listed in Budd's Flora to 50 cm. We measured plants to 34 cm tall.

Habitat: Woods, particularly lodgepole pine forests, in the Cypress Hills.

Abundance: Provincially rare with an S3 (as of 2021) ranking from the Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre, common however in the forests of Saskatchewan's Cypress Hills.

When and where photographed: Took the above photos on June 3rd, 27th, and June 28th in lodgepole pine forest in the Cypress Hills, about 450 km southwest our home in Regina, SK.