Bidens cernua (Nodding Beggarticks) - photos and description






Origin: Native.

General: Stout annual with several branching stems from the base. Plant stem smooth at top, hispid below.

Flowers: Quite a showy plant, bright yellow flowers, numerous, 3-4 cm in diameter, in clusters from leaf axils.

Leaves: Leaves are opposite, clasping, linear-lanceolate, serrate, we measured leaves to 17 cm long and 4 cm across.

Height: Height listed in Budd's Flora to 80 cm, I measured plants to 110 cm tall.

Habitat: Wet soil, marshes, and forest swamps.

Abundance: Common.

When and where photographed: Photos taken August 6th, wetland along hiking trail, Duck Mountain Provincial park, and, August 18th muddy soil, edge of beaver swamp, Duck Mountain provincial park, about 300 km northeast of our home in Regina, SK.