Chaenorhinum minus (Small Snapdragon) - photos and description






Origin: Introduced.

General: Erect, branching annual plants, whose longest stems grow with a slight zigzag. Foliage is glandular-pubescent.

Flowers: Flowers are irregular, 5-lobed, white and purple. Flowers grow on short pedicels from leaf axils. We measured a flower at 5 mm long.

Leaves:  Leaves opposite or alternate, leaves linear-lanceolate, leaf highlighted in photo above was 23 mm long by 3 mm wide.

Height: Height listed in Budd's Flora to 30 cm tall, we measured plants to 17 cm tall.

Habitat: Railway grades and waste ground.

Abundance: Uncommon.

Synonym: Listed in some guides as Chaenorrhinum minus, with two r's.

When and where photographed: Photos taken September 24th, gravel pit about 70 km northwest of our home in Regina, SK.