Galium triflorum (Sweet-Scented Bedstraw) - photos and description
Ovary is hairy
Origin: Native.
General: Woodland plant often with trailing or ascending stems. Stems are four-angled / square, and are sparingly hairy.. The ovary is hairy which answers the first question in the taxonomic key to genus Galium in Budd's Flora.
Flowers: Flowers are small, greenish-white, and grow in threes on long stalks from leaf axils. We measured a flower at 4 mm diameter.
Leaves: Leaves grow in whorls of six and are oblanceolate. Tops of leaves are glabrous, margins with hairs, and the central nerve on the bottom of the leaves with a few small barbs making the leaves catchy.
Height: Length of stems listed in Budd's Flora to 100 cm long, we measured stems to 33 cm long.
Habitat: Native to moist woodlands.
Abundance: Common.
When and where photographed: Took the above photos June 25th, aspen woods about 70 km southeast of our home in Regina, SK.