Geranium viscosissimum (Purple Sticky Geranium) - photos and description





Basal leaf in above photo

Stem leaf in above photo

Origin: Native.

General: Robust perennials with a branching growth habit. Foliage covered in glandular hairs making the entire plant sticky to the touch, particularly the flowering stems and flower clusters. Quite a showy garden plant.

Flowers: Inflorescence cymose, flowers showy, reddish purple to pink, 3 cm in diameter, flowering begins mid to late June.

Leaves: Stem leaves opposite. Basal long-stalked. Leaves are palmate, divided into 3 to 5 lobes. We measured a leaf at 13 cm in diameter.

Height: Height listed in the Budd's Flora to 90 cm, we measured plants to 67 cm tall.

Habitat: Prairie slopes in the Cypress Hills.

Abundance: Rated rare provincially, ranked as an S2 (as of 2021) from the Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre. Fairly common on hillsides and prairie meadows in the Cypress Hills.

When and where photographed: Above photos taken July 8th, west block of the Cypress Hills, about 450 km southwest of our home in Regina, SK.