Glycyrrhiza lepidota (Wild Licorice) - photos and description
Flowers have a keel with a pointed tip.
Foliage has resinous dots, photo is of the plant's stem.
Origin: Native.
General: Leafy plants with an erect, branching growth habit. Stems somewhat angled, green to reddish green, stems with resinous dots. Plants sparingly hairy.
Flowers: Flowers greenish-white in dense, axillary spikes. We measured a spike at 5.5 cm long, and a flower at 11 mm long. The flowers have keels with a pointed tip.
Leaves: Alternate, pinnate we counted 13 to 17 leaflets. The leaflets elliptical-lanceolate, mucronate (a sharp pointed tip at the apex). We measured leaves to 19.5 cm long by 10 cm wide, and a leaflet at 5 cm long by 2.5 cm wide.
Height: Listed in Budd's Flora to 100 cm, we measured plants to 86 cm tall.
Habitat: Edge of woodlands, bluffs, moist prairie, slough margins.
Abundance: Common.
When and where photographed: Photographed on June 28th, edge of aspen woods, about 20 km east of our home in Regina, SK.