Phacelia franklinii (Franklin's Scorpionweed) - photos and description




15 cm ruler for scale



Origin: Native.

General: Ascending to erect annual plants with pubescent foliage. Plants usually single stemmed.

Flowers: Flowers are with bluish purple in scorpioid racemes, flowers measured at 10 mm in diameter.

Leaves: Leaves are alternate, pinnately divided into toothed segments, toothed segments are linear oblong. Leaf highlighted in photo above was 7 cm long and 4 cm wide.

Height: Height is listed in Budd's Flora to 50 cm, we measured plants to 97 cm tall.

Habitat: Disturbed ground, sandy soil in the boreal forest.

Abundance: Listed as common by Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Saskatchewan.

Synonym: Listed in some of the field guides we use as Phacelia linearis.

When and where photographed: Photos taken August 1st in disturbed soil near a cabin, Meadow Lake Provincial Forest, about 500 km north west of our home in Regina, SK.