Plagiobothrys scouleri (Scouler's Popcornflower) - photos and description
Coreopsis tinctoria growing among a carpet of Plagiobothrys scouleri
Plants can be both prostrate and...
Clump of many plants
Origin: Native.
General: Low annual plant with tiny white flowers, and a branching growth habit. Stems glabrous below, pubescent above.
Flowers: Flowers white with yellow centres, very small, 2 mm diameter growing in leaf axils and scorpioid cymes.
Leaves: Leaves opposite and alternate, grass-like, linear measured to 50 mm long and 4 mm wide. Leaves with a few hairs on bottoms and margins, tops glabrous.
Height: Stems listed to 20 cm long by Flora of Alberta, we measured plants to 10 mm tall.
Habitat: Slough edges, bottomlands.
Abundance: Common.
When and where photographed: Photos taken June 30th growing in mud in a dried up stream bed, Cypress Hills about 450 km south west of Regina, SK, and August 6th in a dried up shallow slough near the East Block of Grasslands National Park, about 300 km south west of our home in Regina, SK.