Primula mistassinica (Bird's-Eye Primrose) - photos and description








Origin: Native.

General: Small plant with a slender flowering stem arising from a a rosette of leaves.

Flowers: Flowers few, terminal, pink to pale violet with yellow centres, having 5 or 6 petals with notched tips. Flowers measured at 13 mm.

Leaves: Leaves all basal, oblong, oblanceolate, with a few teeth, leaves stalked. We measured a leaf at 15 mm long and 5 mm wide.

Height: Height listed in Budd's Flora to 20 cm, we measured scapes to 10 cm long.

Habitat: Bogs and marshes in the boreal Forest.

Abundance: Rare, ranked as an S3 (as of 2021) by the Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre.

When and where photographed: The above photos were taken May 30th, wet roadside, Pasquia Provincial Forest, about 425 km north east of Regina, SK, and June 16th in a fen, Duck Mountain Provincial Park, 300 km north east of our home in Regina, SK.