Ranunculus flammula (Creeping Spearwort) - photos and description





Basal leaf in above photo

Origin: Native.

General: Low-growing plant with stems rooting at the nodes. Plants have scattered hairs along the stem.

Flowers: Flowers bright yellow on ascending pedicles, we measured a flower at 9 mm diameter, and pedicles rising to 8 cm above ground.

Leaves: Leaves linear to filiform, basal leaf measured at 45 mm long and 1 mm wide. Stem leaves alternate, linear, but much shorter. Leaves glabrous.

Height: We measured pedicles to 8 cm tall.

Habitat: Shores of riverbanks and lakes in the boreal forest and parklands.

Abundance: Fairly common ranked as an S4 by the Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre.

When and where photographed: The above photos were taken on the edge of a marsh, July 13th, boreal Forest, about 400 km north east of our home in Regina, SK.