Ranunculus lapponicus (Lapland Buttercup) - photos and description
Flowers have 3 sepals.
Sphagnum pulled away showing basal leaf attached to flowering stem
Origin: Native.
General: Erect plants with a single stem, solitary flower, and one or rarely two basal leaves. Plant glabrous.
Flowers: Flowers terminal, solitary on long stalks. We counted 6 or 7 petals, and measured flowers from 8 to 10 mm diameter. Flowers have only 3 sepals.
Leaves: Leaves basal, the basal leaf is more or less orbicular, with 3 wedge-shaped lobes, crenate. Leaf highlighted in photo above was measured at 2 cm diameter.
Height: Height is listed in Budd's Flora to 20 cm, we measured plants to 14 cm tall.
Habitat: Wet woods in the boreal Forest.
Abundance: Uncommon, ranked as an S4 by the Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre, and not common in our experience.
When and where photographed: Photos taken June 24th mossy wet woods Nisbet fprovincial forest about 350 km north of Regina, SK, and July 12th, mossy wet woods, The Porcupine Hills, about 450 km northeast of our home in Regina, SK.