Ranunculus pensylvanicus (Bristly Buttercup) - photos and description
Sepals reflexed.
Sepals reflexed.
Seed head oblong (differs from R. macounii).
Lower stem leaf in above photo.
Upper stem leaf in above photo.
Stems bristly hairy.
Origin: Native.
General: Erect, bristly hairy plants, usually single-stemmed. Annual or short-lived perennial.
Flowers: Flowers few, bright yellow, we measured flowers at 6 mm diameter, and petals at 2 mm long. Sepals reflexed, we measured sepals 3 mm long. Fruiting head cylindrical-oblong. July-August.
Leaves: Basal leaves withering early. Cauline leaves ternate, each lobe 3-parted, alternate. Lower leaves with long stalks. Upper stem leaf highlighted in photo above was measured at 5 cm long by 7 cm wide. Lower stem leaf highlighted in photo above was 8.5 cm long by 10.5 cm wide. Top of leaves sparingly hairy with long hairs, bottom of leaves hispid.
Height: Height listed in Budd's Flora to 60 cm, I measured plants to 85 cm tall.
Habitat: Wet ground in the parklands and boreal forest.
Abundance: Listed as common in Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Saskatchewan, however has been uncommon in my experience, has been hard to find to photograph.
How to identify this species: Hairy, leaves ternate, petals 2-3 mm, seed head oblong (Taxonomic Reminder for Recognizing Saskatchewan Plants).
Similar species: This plant might be mistaken with
R. macounii, found in
similar habitat, also bristly hairy, and also has three-parted leaves.
- The flowers of R. pensylvanicus are 6-8 mm diameter (petals 2 mm
long), with the petals shorter than the sepals, seed head oblong; the
flowers of R. macounii about 15 mm diameter (petals 4-7 mm long),
with the petals longer than the sepals, seed head round.
When and where photographed: Photos taken July 23rd, edge of trail through wet ground in mixed moist woods, Pasquia Provincial forest, 425 km northeast of Regina, SK, and July 28th, Marsh in forest, Moose Mountain Provincial Park, about 200 km southeast of our home in Regina, SK.