Rosa woodsii (Wood's Rose) - photos and description






Bristles usually broad and flattened at the base


Fruit globose

Fruit globose

Origin: Native.

General: Shrubs with stems having thorns with broadened bases, thorns straight or slightly curved.

Flowers: Flowers very fragrant, light to dark pink in colour, measured to 5 cm diameter. Flowers found 1 to 3 at stem tips. Fruit globular, measured at 5 mm diameter.

Leaves: Leaves alternate, pinnate with 7 to 9 leaflets. Leaflets obovate, leaflets with very short hairs on top and bottom, leaflet measured at 25 mm long by 14 mm wide.

Height: Height listed in Budd's Flora to 200 cm tall, we measured plants to 100 cm tall.

Habitat: Open woods and ravines.

Abundance: Common.

How to identify this species of Rosa: This plant might be confused with Rosa acicularis. Examine the stems, if they are densely covered with straight, weak bristles, the plant is R. acicularis.

When and where photographed: Photos taken June 29th, forest roadside, boreal forest, about 350 km north of Regina, SK, and July 1st, edge of aspen woods, parklands, about 70 km east of our home in Regina, SK.