Solanum dulcamara (Bittersweet) - photos and description
Shown above some leaves with two lobes at their base.
Shown above some leaves with two lobes at their base.
Shown above some leaves without basal lobes.
Ripe red fruit and unripe green fruit
Origin: Introduced.
General: Climbing perennial having stems with woody bases. Several stems from the caudex. Upper stems pubescent, often purplish. Very poisonous.
Flowers: Flowers in drooping panicles, the stem of the panicle grows opposite an upper leaf. Flowers purple with yellow anthers, the petals reflex with age. We measured a flower to 17 mm diameter, and 10 mm long.
Fruit: A shiny, egg-shaped berry about 10 mm in diameter.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, there are two types of leaves 1) ovate with a cordate base 2) three-lobed with a large ovate middle lobe and two small basal side lobes. We measured a leaf at 7.5 cm long by 5.5 cm wide. Top and bottom of leaves have short hairs, and leaves are ciliate.
Height: Height or stem length not given in Budd's Flora, we measured plants to 22 cm tall and stems to 58 cm long.
Habitat: Woods, thickets, waste ground, and fence rows.
Abundance: Rare.
When and where photographed: Photos taken June 12th, growing among trees and shrubs, Wascana Park in our home of Regina, SK.