Tanacetum vulgare (Tansy) - photos and description







Origin: Introduced.

General: Robust, erect perennial plants, aromatic, rhizomatous. Stems square, reddish in colour.

This plant has been designated a noxious weed in Saskatchewan.

Flowers: Flower heads in a terminal corymb. Flower heads with disk florets only, flower heads measured to 1 cm diameter.

Leaves: Leaves are alternate, pinnate to 23 leaflets, leaflets linear-oblong, serrate. Leaf, including petiole, measured to 15 cm long. Leaves with scattered long hairs.

Height: Height listed in Budd's Flora to 100 cm, we measured plants to 122 cm tall.

Habitat: Ditches and roadsides in the parklands.

Abundance: Common.

When and where photographed: The above photos were taken August 5th, highway ditch, east central Saskatchewan, about 300 km northeast of our home in Regina, SK.