Thlaspi-arvense (Stinkweed) - photos and description
Stem leaf in above photo.
Abundance: Common.
General: Hairless annual plants with deep green
leaves, often branching above. The foliage gives a strong, unpleasant
scent when bruised.
Flowers: Small white flowers grow in dense terminal
racemes, the racemes lengthening as fruit forms. We measured a flower at
3 mm in diameter.
Fruit: The pods are flat, orbicular, winged, with a notch at their apex. We measured a pod at 13 mm long by 12 mm wide.
Leaves: Basal leaves spatulate to oblanceolate in shape, wither once flowering begins. Lowest leaves with a short petiole, upper leaves clasping with auricles. Stem leaves alternate. Upper leaves oblong and have a few teeth. We measured a leaf mid-stem at 40 mm long by 12 mm wide.
Height: Height listed in Budd's Flora to 40 cm, we measured plants to 49 cm tall.
Habitat: Fields and waste places.
Origin: Introduced.
When and where photographed: Above photos taken June 30th, cultivated soil, Wascana Park, Regina, SK, and July 19th, cultivated soil, University of Regina, in our home in Regina, SK.