Veronica peregrina (Hairy Speedwell) - photos and description
Abundance: Common.
General: Annual plants with a slender growth habit and simple, single stems. Stem glandular pubescent towards the top.
Flowers: Flowers in upper leaf axils, white, 4 petals, 2 stamens, flower measured at 3 mm diameter. Unlike other Veronica species whose flowers are slightly irregular, these flowers look regular to me.
Leaves: Leaves oblong to spatulate, sessile, entire, opposite at stem bottom, and alternate towards the top. Leaf measured at 16 mm long and 3 mm wide. Leaves hairy on margins only.
Height: Height listed in Budd's Flora to 30 cm, we measured plants to 11 cm tall.
Habitat: Wet soils, across the prairies.
Origin: Native.
When and where photographed: The above photos were taken June 30th, growing in mud in dried up creek bed, Gap Road, Cypress Hills, about 450 km southwest of our home in Regina, SK.