Zizia aptera (Heart-leaved Alexanders) - photos and description
Stem leaf in above photo
Basal leaf
Origin: Native.
General: Erect plant with glabrous, shiny foliage.
Flowers: Umbels of bright yellow, tiny flowers appear in May.
Leaves: Leaves serrate. Stem leaves alternate, consist of three ovate lobes, stem leaf in above photo was 10 cm long with petiole. Basal leaves are cordate, basal leaf in above photo was 8 cm long with petiole, and 3.5 cm wide.
Height: Height listed in Budd's Flora to 60 cm, we measured plants to 30 cm tall.
Habitat: Moist meadows, prairie, and edges of aspen woods.
Abundance: Common.
When and where photographed: Photos taken May 27th, moist meadow in aspen woods, about 70 km east of Regina, SK, and prairie roadside, about 70 km east of Regina, SK, June 20th moist grassland Souris River valley about 200 km southeast of Regina, SK, and June 20th edge of forest bog, Duck Mountain provincial park, about 300 km northeast of our home in Regina, SK.